At last a software company that listens and delivers on time!

Youfone is one of the most successful MVNOs in the Netherlands. With almost 100,000 subscribers (2015). Youfone attributes its new system N-BOSS™ as one of the major factors in its success.
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The success of N-BOSS™ is down to the co-development process between NowTec consultants and engineers and Youfone staff. NowTec engineers have many years of telecom experience and being able to start from scratch allowed them to create a system which learnt from all of the mistakes made in the MVNO system market in the past.

N-BOSS™ is the third IT system which Youfone has used in its past. Both previous systems led to organizational chaos and customer dissatisfaction. When Youfone partnered with NowTec in 2013, the target was clear – let’s build a new system that is flexible and robust enough to allow us to manage our business profitably and keep our customers satisfied.

N-BOSS™ is the result and we are very happy with it”
according to Youfone CEO,
Valentijn Rensing.

“With N-BOSS™ we can add and modify subscriptions on the fly and changes are automatically deployed on the customer-facing websites, this allows us to be very creative and fast when reacting to market conditions”

says Rensing.

“The powerful reporting engine gives us the information we need to see in real-time about how our customers are using their subscriptions and how this usage reacts to our marketing campaigns. In the past, we were managing the business blindly – now we are in control!”

N-BOSS™ has been written using the very latest technologies, and designed and developed in a totally Agile fashion. The system can be deployed as a separate instance for any new MVNO either in the cloud or on dedicated servers. It is easy to implement and quick to deploy.

Rensing continues:

“Working with the team at NowTec was rewarding. They have the experience of the telecoms market and were able to understand our business. This helped enormously in the design process. Thereafter, I was constantly surprised how they kept meeting their delivery deadlines. I was too used to hearing excuses from IT companies as to why they were delayed”

2015 © NowTec bv

Veerkade 1 3016 DE Rotterdam

+31 6 348 225 64